Slovenia is a small State that can celebrate many natural and historical virtues. The country is particularly proud of its thermal resorts, which have all the necessary facilities to treat and prevent diseases. Slovenia is rich in mineral waters, large treatment centres, and a large number of sights.
How are the tours attractive to Slovenia?
A small Slovenia can celebrate many interesting sites and monuments. Medieval cities such as Ljubljana, Maribor and Ptuy are considered mandatory for the visit. We should also visit the cart caves of Wait-Yama and Shkojiang. The latter is on the UNESCO World Heritage List.
Its capital, Ljubljana, is the country ' s main pride. The city was founded on the ruins of the Roman fortress, and his examination should begin with the old square at St. Jacob's church. We can then go to the very centre of the capital, Ljubljana Degree (Lubljana) which is located on a high hill.
In order to meet the country ' s historical heritage, it is worth visiting the labyrinth of the Cave of Waiting (23 kilometres) and the rich legends of the Prime Castle.
Rest in Slovenia is an excellent opportunity to combine rest with treatment and preventive procedures.
The national parks of Slovenia are particularly popular among tourists. The three-chapter Park, where the symbol of the State is located, is the highest. The park ' s visitors can enjoy a walk on the stolen trails and enjoy the greatness of the valleys, waterfalls and foliar forests.