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Opening of the Museum of Mumi trolley in Finland

In June 2017, the world ' s only Museum-Trullay Museum will be opened at the Tampere-Talo congress Hall! The Art Museum, formerly known as Dolin Mumi-Trella, will soon be managing the news at the Tampere Talo Congress Hall. Relocating to new housing will provide an opportunity for the public to learn more about the arts and fairs of Tuva Jansson (1914-2001). Carbon paintings, paintings, three-dimensional composites and guided tours here will reveal to the guests the charm of Tuve Jansson's fairy tale, imagination and thirst of interesting stories.
The atmosphere of the museum is driven by original pictures of the Mumi trolley, the author of which is Tuve Jansson. They're very clear about where it all started and what the writer saw his heroes. The three-dimensional composions built by Tuulikki Pietil (1917-2009) perpetuated the scenes of the Mumi-Tralls, which have been translated into more than 50 languages and whose dormitory wisdom, warmth, friendship and adventure are reflected in the hearts of fans around the world. Museum Museumi Trolley has a reading room in which you can go to the world of the heroes of Tuve Yansson's fairy tale.

The readership consists of stories about the Mumi-Tralls translated into more than 20 languages, as well as the history of Tuve Jansson. It will be possible to read both the most valuable copies accumulated over the years and the reprints that will be added to the readership collection. The written and illustrated Tuva Yansson's stories about Mumi-Tralls like both children and adults. Having united in the corner of the readership room with one of them, the virtuosity and the author ' s written talent can always be surprised. Soon history will also be available in the form of audio books.
/ / / Opening of the Museum of Mumi trolley in Finland