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Park Miniatur Madurodama

Holidays in Park Miniatur Madurodama

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Madurodham is a miniature park, a miniature city between the center of The Hague and the sea resort of Scheveningen.

Represents the Dutch city model of 1:25, consists of typical Dutch buildings and structures, the originals of which are located in different parts of the Netherlands. The state of construction and maintenance of maquitoes is 35. Work on some exponents was up to four years old. Macets are made mainly of plastics, real plants are used for the greens of the mini-city, predominantly small-sized trees and handicrafts, which are maintained at a height of up to 60 cm through intensive hair cuts.

Madurodama's graphic plan was created by Cibe Jan Baum. The centre of Madurodama has an old centre around which a new area, a port and industrial zone and a recreational zone are located. The centre has churches, museums, the raw market and the characteristic Amsterdam channels, as well as the Government buildings of Binnenhof, Reyxmuseum and the baselic of the Holy Bogodica of Maastricht. In Madurodam Polder, the new modern neighbourhood of Madurodama, public transport of the Netherlands is represented by the Blaak Company, among the old farms and mills of Leidsendam. The port of Madurodama can find large Dutch enterprises, refineries, the Amsterdam airport of Schiphol and a number of large office buildings.

Madurodama was built in 1952 and has since been visited by dozens of millions of tourists. This is not only the tourist attraction of The Hague and the Netherlands, but also the monument to the victims of the war. The city is named George Maduro, a student of the Faculty of Law from Curaçao who fought against the Nazi occupation forces, was a member of the Dutch resistance and died in Dahau in 1945. His parents donated funds to launch the Madurodama project so that the proceeds from Madurodama would go for charitable purposes, namely the student sanatorium. The Madurodama Support Fund is working with the young.

On 2 July 1952, Princess Beatrix was appointed Mayor of Madurodama, after which she took a walk in her town. Betricks took office from the day of the opening of the city and until she took the throne in 1980.

A year. Queen Beatrix is now the patron of Madurodama. Today, the Mayor of Madurodama is elected by a young municipal council composed of 22 students in the secondary schools of The Hague. The mayor of Madurodama is responsible for opening up new maquets and exhibits.

By visiting this adorable museum in the open sky, you will meet everything that the Netherlands is famous for today: windmills, and the raw market in Alkmaara, symbolic waves and dams, the charming Peace Palace, historic channels and the Royal Palace in Dam and many others. ♪ ♪

Madurodham is the smallest town in Holland.But it's not. the world's largest miniature city (at 1:25). It's easy to feel like this Gulliver. You will see everything associated with the Netherlands: mills and tulips, ports, canals and dams, and the most interesting places of the most beautiful Dutch cities. Even trees, grass, bricks that build houses, real ones.

Position: The Hague (30 km from Rotterdam)
2584 RZ
George Maduroplein 1

Time of work: up to 31.03, 9:00 to 18:00*
from 1.04 to 2.07 - 9h to 20h*
3.07 to 31.08 from 9 to 23h*
from 1.09 to 31.12 - from 9 to 18h*
2010 ticket price: Adults: 14.50, child (from 3 to 11 years) - 10.50, up to 3 years - free

Madurodum has a year round.

* The working arrangement may change during the year.

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