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Georgia is open to tourists


Since 1 March, Georgia has opened its borders for Ukrainians who travel on a plane, subject to a negative RRT test conducted no earlier than 72 hours before leaving.

On the third day in Georgia, Ukrainians will have to retest at their own expense.

Before crossing the State border, a special questionnaire should be completed, indicating the history of travel over the last 14 days, the contact details (the address, telephone number, e-mail address, etc.).

Dry borders for foreigners continue to be closed.

The head of the Georgian Government also announced the removal of most COVID-limits. In particular, mining resorts, gymnasiums will begin to operate in the country, and inter-urban transport will resume. Café and restaurants will be able to receive visitors inside the premises. The ban on night travel will continue to be effective (21:00 to 05:00).

/ / / Georgia is open to tourists