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Mafia Island

Holidays in Mafia Island

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The British Sunday Times called Mafia one of the top 10 islands in the world. Chole Shamba is the ancient name of this island. There are two versions of the origin of his current name. The first is based on the Arab roots of the words " morfiyeh " , which means " band " or " archipelago " . The second examines the original roots of the Suahili language, in the translation from which " Pas of aphia " means " health care " or " whole land " . Both are indeed true, since Mafia is the main island of a single archipelago, which consists of a multitude of inhabited and uninhabited small islands. The rest here can actually be compared to being on a whole-life land.

From the height of the avian flight, Mafia Island looks like a sub-hull, has a surface area of 394 square kilometres, and a marine reserve of Mafia, with over 400 tropical fish species of 822 square kilometres. Mafia's rich history is 2,000 years old. In the 8th century, the island played an important role in trade with the Far East, as evidenced by the fragments of Chinese hounds found at the excavation of the mosque in Ras Kisimani. Between 12 and 15 centuries, there was a centre of Shirazi culture, whose history ended in the early 19th century with an attack on the town of Kua (Juani Island) of the people of Madagascar. Mafia became a German territory in 1890. The German ruler ' s residences have continued to collapse.

During the First World War, Mafia Island was a British military base. The island ' s population currently lives through coconuts, fishing and tourism. It is possible to observe the island ' s traditional village life: the construction of boats and the production of sails. Local residents still manually make coconut fiber ropes.

Throughout the world, Mafia is considered the perfect place for tropical recreation, underwater navigation, deep-sea fishing, canoe walks, a variety of water sports. Rest here is a relaxing completion of safari in two isolated hotels Mafia Island Lodge and Kinasi Camp.

Prospect water, coral diversity and a large number of fish in the newly transmitted beautiful coral reefs surrounding the island (barracuda, flying fish, tuna, marlin, sailor, shark, tuna, royal fish, Lucian, scumbria, huge cracks and scumbria,

Many others) make this place a real paradise for divers and fishers. Scientists have confirmed that they are the richest reefs in the world, with a huge variety of solid and soft corals and tropical fish.

Interested and coral islands belonging to the Mafia Archipelago. One of them is the island of Chole, has an equally fascinating history, as described in the documents of the Kingasi Library. After the looting and destruction of Qua by odor, the island began to occupy a leading position in the archipelago, became its main administrative centre and port in the Chola Bukht. The island ' s vegetation is bababababa and fruit trees, the habitat of a giant bat. The islands of Juani are famous for watching turtles around here, whose nests are on three sandy beaches. The large village of Jibondo, located on a single island, is famous by local sharks and boat builders.

The Qua inter-island channel, 1 km long from the Zolá Bay and extended to the deep island of Juani, is the perfect place for guided tours, picnics, navigation, bird surveillance and seclusion on sand beaches.

Traditional African souvenirs: wooden statues, semi-precious stone and coral products.

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