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Holidays in Saint-Raphaël

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Halfway between Cannami and Saint-Trope, an additional pearl of French Riviera, a miniature resort of Saint-Rafael, was placed on the Mediterranean coast at the foot of Mount Estherel (Massif de l’Estérel). A town offering 36 kilometres of cut coastline, inviting guests to assess the diversity of the famous Provansal landscapes, to test all the incredible recreational opportunities that you will benefit from near the resort. Here, guests will be able to open up an amazing world of elegance and luxury, where historical monuments and modern gloss are conceived, where sophisticated restaurants, cafes and luxury stores are neighboring with historic memory sites, and the classic facades of buildings that have kept memories of the old days are proudly looking at the gracefully slippery. Large urea, impressive old havana, hanging over the city of the notre Dame de la Victoire de la Victoire, noise probe markets - Saint-Raphael Kaleidopom, in front of your eyes, surpriseing its multiplicity and putting its legs into its modern legs. In addition to the rest and the rich entertainment programme, guests may see or even participate in numerous cultural events, such as the Street Theatre festival (des Fêtes de lumière) in December or a week of mice in February.

The territory of the Lazurny shore was still in the oldest time, whose artifacts were exposed to the Saint-Raphael archaeological museum. Since the Rome Empire in Saint-Raphael, there has been a recurrence of the Roman villa with therms, the rule of Yulia Caesar marked the first important stage when the settlement, which was called Epulias or " Entertainment " , turned into a prosperous resort that was in love with Roman aristocracies. Since the fall of the empire, Saint-Raphael has long had a miserable existence. And only in the XIIth century, when there was a Knight Order of Tampliers, the city began its slow revival. It is in this period that the Church of Arangel Rafail, also known as the Church of Tampliers, is rising. On the eve of the XVIII and nineteenth centuries, two more important historical events have taken place here: the triumph return of Napoleon after the triumph.

The Egyptian company (1799) is a reminder of the olysk installed at the port and its expulsion to the island of Elbou after 15 years.

The golden age of French Riviera and Saint-Raphael began in the mid-nineteenth century, when this cozy town loved to rest French liters, there were often a writer and journalist Alfons Carr, famous writers Alexander Duma and Guy de Mapassan. They were followed by a wide range of literary and artistic circles, filmed by Saint-Raphael ' s repeated enchantment, and in particular, they loved the rest of Antoine de St. Eckery, the artist Jean-Louis Amon and many others. Today, a welcoming town drowning in the rays of the Mediterranean sun deserves the reputation of one of the most beautiful Mediterranean places.

The soft Mediterranean climate of the Lazour shore, which gives the resort more than 300 solar days a year, makes Saint-Raphael a prestige for a variety of sports. For example, there are five convenient ports, more than 30 sand and gallery beaches, many vegetable booths and bays that cut into the red species of the Esterel mountain, heading straight to the sea. Having enjoyed the sea and water, the faculty of walking and cycling and riding can either go along the coast, from the port of Saint Lucia (Santa Lucia) to the site of Bomett (Baumette), visit Cape Dramon (Dramont), the Golden Island and the Miniatre of the Forest Port of Pussai (Poussaï). Most of the mass is part of the environmental territory, but there are many 40-km tourist trails, con and cyclings (over 100 km of road). Golf fans will find three beautiful fields around town.

Mediterranean with moderately warm winter (average temperature of January +8-10° C) and dry, warm and sun summer (average temperature of July and August 26° C). Summer sea breezes have a cooling effect on the coast.

The soft Mediterranean climate of the Lazour shore,

The gifted resort of more than 300 sundays a year makes Saint-Raphael a salute for amateurs of a variety of sports. For example, there are five convenient ports, more than 30 sand and gallery beaches, many vegetable booths and bays that cut into the red species of the Esterel mountain, heading straight to the sea.

Having enjoyed the sea and water, the faculty of walking and cycling and riding can either go along the coast, from the port of Saint Lucia (Santa Lucia) to the site of Bomett (Baumette), visit Cape Dramon (Dramont), the Golden Island and the Miniatre of the Forest Port of Pussai (Poussaï). Most of the mass is part of the environmental territory, but there are many 40-km tourist trails, con and cyclings (over 100 km of road). Golf de Valescure, Golf de Cap Estérel, Golf de l’ Estérel will be found in the outskirts of the city of 3 beautiful fields.

Nightlife lovers in Saint-Raphael don't have to miss either. They're waiting for an indiscretion in bars (The Lochness Rub, Irish bar L’Irlandais, which sounds like peacemaking piano music, bar Co Sevencoangle, attracting fans of modern music, Latin American Bar El Camino de Cuba, Le Class Bar), sports bars (Academie de Billiard Casino Barrière de Saint-Raphael, opposite the old harbour, also opens its doors to guests.

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