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Holidays in Corsica

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Corsica is an island in the Mediterranean Sea, an autonomous territory of France with its own administration and dialect. It is not French, but Koreans, the most famous of whom, of course, Napoleon Bonaparte, born in Ajacho on 15 August 1769.

In France, Corsica entered only in the sixteenth century, and before that, the turbulent history of the island remembers Romans, visas, Spanish, English and Goesians. The very first settlements appeared on Korsik over 9,000 years ago, and traces of them continue to be found throughout the island.

The shell is rich in fantastic landscapes, the nature of it is very diverse and reminds all of Europe in miniatures, beaches, beaches, rocks, mountains, lakes, hills and forests of great magnitude, and almost without civilization.

Coming up to Corsica, the first thing you see from the sea is the snowed beers of her high mountains, the highest of which is Chinto's peak, which is 2,700 m high. Then, from the lazurous sea, there are basic forests, vineyards, shore panoramas turning out to be small bangs, red shores, clean beaches and dunes and old guard towers. Nearly all coastal cities of the island have such towers, because in the old age, this paradise has often been subjected to devastating sea raids.

Frequently, residents had to go to the mountains or hide in famous makas. Macy is a thick growing of guns and escapes intersecting. This is also the name of the inner part of the island, a non-manufactured terrain consisting of mountains and valleys.

Prosper Merime wrote more than 100 years ago: " If you killed a man, run to the ponta Vekchio mask, and you live there safely with a good gun, powder and bullets... The pastures will give you milk, cheese and cashtans, and you have nothing to fear justice or the relatives of the victim unless there is a need to go down to town to replenish the powder."

Today, the maquis of the central part of the island is a protected reserve, a religious and natural park of Corsiki.

Climat Corsiki

Cold and dry summer, moderate winter, more than 2,700 hours of sunlight per year, a small number of rainy days. Average annual air temperature at about +20 °C, sea +17 °C. January

- March here +14 °C, April to June + 21 °C, the air temperature may reach + 36 °C in the summer on the coast, and water temperatures + 26° C.

Ajacho - Corsiki's main city, her capital. There's a Napoleon Museum in the house where he was born, and you can all buy souvenirs with his image. By the way, at Uncle Napoleon's will, there's a Fesch Museum, which is the second largest in France after Louvre in the number of Italian towels collected. Shortly from Ayacho, the islands of Sanguinaries (Bellow Islands) are not unusually painting, especially at sunset.

15 kilometres south of Ajacho has a luxury resort Portić♪ Beaches with small sand, lots of suns, restaurants with a nice kitchen.

Bonifacho - The town where Odysey was staying under the legend. The coast from Ajacho to Bonifacho is one of the most beautiful in Corsica.

Kalvi - a small, cozy town, where it's worth walking around a wide-ranging, grazed mountains on the one hand and an ancienterima quote on the other. Citadel Kalvi holds traces of artillery shells she fired in 1794 by an English squadron. The Corsicans, with the help of the English, tried to defend their independence from the revolutionary France, they stormed Calvey by forceing French garri-zone to lay down their weapons. During the storm, the future admiral lost his eye here, and then hoodie Nelson. The locals believe that Christopher Columbus was born here, not in Genoa, and even created a monument in the face of a ship reinforced in a stone wall.

Transmitted There's only one street on which there are different topics, decor and kitchen cafes and restaurants along the beach. The town is in the quiet Gulf of Valinco, which described Prosper Merim in its novel of Colombo. You can visit a house near Propriano where Colombo was born and died at the age of 86. This place is called Fozzano.

Porto Vekchio - A great place to rest for all categories of tourists. At the beach of the thinest sand, the sea is showing its transparency, the air is soaked fresh. In the middle of Porto Vekchio, we should visit: Old City, Joanna-Crettel Church, City Ratus, Port with a panoramic view of the Gulf.

Beautiful pork meal,

supplemented by local wine, goat cheese, sausages, sea gifts, fruits and vegetables are the features of Corsica ' s culinary traditions, where cashtans and olives are privileged.

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