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San Francisco (California)

Holidays in San Francisco (California)

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San Francisco is a city that combines luxury and elegance, old age and modernity, originality and provinciality, and has extraordinary charm and some magnetism.

What's the attractive tour in San Francisco?

The city is full of abundance and repetition, compact, romantic, and opens to tourists all the sights and cloths. The construction fountains, the wizard architecture in the Viktorian style and the solar coast are literally dug into the rhythm of the atmospheric city. All its unusuality is supplemented by original buildings located on 43 painting hills.

San Francisco is known to the entire world as an unusual combination of traditions, customs and cultures of different peoples, which are diligently united in a romantic and restored atmosphere. This makes the city a prosperous centre for artists, musicians, actors, writers and just artists. It's a place where dreams come true, and fantasies are on the brink of reality.

Rest in San Francisco is the Pacific Heights in a complex with glass palaces of financial magnates.

The main features of the city are the Golden Gate and one of the longest bridges in the world. The Museum of Modern Art SFMOMA, the Union Square and the souvenir bars also deserve special attention.

Fishermans-Worf is the starting point for cruises along the bay, where a kilometre of painting parks and beaches are drawn. Angel and Hai-Eshbury Island (the hippie breeding place) will be great places for foot walks and picnics.

The tour in San Francisco is a visit to the places of origin of the best wines in the country, as well as a congestion of unlike any other city.

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