Holidays in Gold coast

_ - Australia ' s main resort, located between the state of New South Wales and Brisbane. Nature itself has created all the conditions for an unresponsive vacation here, the cleanest gold sand of the beach that lasted 42 kilometres, and a soft subtropical climate that allows for swimming almost a year round. But not only the sun and the luxury ocean attract the resting from all over the world, people have created a perfect place of recreation and entertainment here.
Gold Coast, a long-time favorite Australian resort, has since become one of the largest resorts in the South Pacific region, some 3 million tourists a year. Gold Cost is 310 thousand inhabitants. The population of Gold Cost increases by 7 per cent per year, the highest percentage of Australian population growth.
42 kilometres of endless beaches extend from the New South Wales border through Kulangattu (Coolangatta), Palm Beach (Palm Beach), Brodbić (Broadbeach) and Serfers-Peradice to Southport (Southport). There's no more than an hour going to Brisbane.
Serfers-Peradeis, the main city of Gold Coast, is building hotels and apartments. Even before their high buildings are sinking the beach from the afternoon because they are close to it.
Serfers-Pairdise, once a private beach, has become a sophisticated resort today, even though its centre is built with concrete towers. The city has changed significantly since 1936, when there was a single hotel in this place, 9 km from Southport. Today, the main street of Cavill Av is a complex of all kinds of tourist shops and restaurants. Southport, a Pacific-protected Cos of Sleep, was once the first village based on Gold Coast. Since then, he has remained the business centre of the area.
Elite place of secular entertainment, clubs and discotheques, famous magazines and variants. A lot of big restaurants and private bars have been placed along the beach around Serfers-Parays. The luxury hotels are next to the youth hotels, the very popular "Jupiters" casino is the first legal casino in Queensland, their fans have both national restaurants and retoring passwords. Gold Coast's high river owes a lot of sleepover.
It is worth mentioning also the large parks of attachments, such as the Sea.
The World (More World) is the largest water park in the southern hemisphere, known as the ballet on water skis, there's a way to see dolphins playing the water polo (and also to take pictures with them), near the water skiers scattering around the re-established sea basin of Indevour, the wonders of the sea: whales, defDreamworld - The giant moon park offers a variety of entertainment: American mountains, boats in the harbor, a park with hand collars, an area of gold fever, a territory of water games (don't forget the swimsuit), a European village (for the Australians of Europe is naturally exotic).
Tiger Island Bengali tigers are naturally playing with their watchmen, which is done to make the visitor aware of the importance of the survival of this species on the verge of extinction.
Movieworld - You can see re-established decorations to different cult films (e.g. Bonnie and Clyde Bank) and everything.
Wet'n'Wild - There's a pool with giant waves, a launch route for the Kamikaze, a variety of vents and pipes leading to water, children can see a new performance - pirates in the Spanish gallery XVII.
Climate On the Golden Coast, warm (heavy - hot) subtropic with the predominant sun. The Golden Coast is always warm, even the Australian winter (June August). Although there is no winter as such on the Golden Coast, it is still the best time to visit from October to May.
The average ocean temperature in the area of the Golden Coast in the summer (November-April) 23-28C, and the winter (June-August) about 20C and very rarely falls below 18C.
Like Miami in America is the perfect place for people who love life full of entertainment. Numerous restaurants, bars and cafes, nightclubs, cabaret, and Australia's largest Jupiter casino are attracted as a magnet of all the guests of the main entertainment and recreation center of Australia.
The Gold Coast can do both simple and elitist sports - surfing, Windserfing, very popular bungee jumps, paraphlying, water
skis, water ski jumps. The golf fields, from the simplest to the most exquisite, as in Sanctuary Cove, are among the best in the world.Nature attracts travelers of their exotic, beautiful beauty and abundance of all possible living.
Two airports can be accessed to the Golden Coast: an international airport Brisbane Airport Kulangat♪
International Airport - Brisbane - is approximately one and a half hours away from the Golden Coast (about 80 km). It is one of the country ' s three main airports and receives flights from many countries around the world, including Tokyo, Singapore, Seoul, London, Hong Kong and other cities. There are also many flights from Brisbane to Oceania, such as New Zealand, Solomon Islands, Fiji, New Caledonia, Vanuatu and others. Because the Kulangatta local airport receives flights only from several Australian cities, Brisbane Airport acts as the main trans-shipment point for continuing its journey after the Golden Coast to Carnes, the Great Barrier Rifa, Pert, Townsville and other parts of Australia.
The local airport, Kulangatta, a small airport in the southern part of the Golden Coast, approximately 25 minutes from the beach Serfers Paradise (21 km). If there's such an opportunity, of course, to try to fly to the Golden Coast through the Kulangattu local airport, but the problem is that he only accepts planes from Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne and Newcastla.
On the vehicle: Sydney-Zoloth Pobegee (921 km, 2 days on the way), Golden Poberje - Carnes (1796 km, 4 days on the way).