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Holidays in Rotorua

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The city of Rotorua, surrounded by the 11 great lakes, has reached the shore of the largest of them, Lake Rotorua. Amazing lakes formed a millennium as a result of volcanic activity. The obscure nature of these places enchants its perilous beauty: huge tropical forests, cozy valleys, smoked volcanoes, boiling dirt lakes, hot and mineral sources, opaque waters of rivers and lakes and elevated over the city of majestic mountains surrounded the guests with an inexorable New Zealand nature. The resort is rich not only with its exclusive landscapes and dedicated sources. Rotorua is considered to be the centre of Maori traditions and is now united in New Zealand ' s unique history and daily life, the rich heritage of Maori civilization and the country ' s modern culture, the beautiful mythology and modern technology. Because in your journey, you will certainly hear mysterious legends about the ghastly ships sliding through the smooth lakes in the light smoke or the lovers who meet underground moles.

Smoke whispering landscapes, supplemented by beating gays, meet many guests who come to this unique resort town for new and bright impressions. Every day is fresh and offers travellers something unusual, undiscovered. This is not surprising, because it is in Rotorua, a small settlement lying in the central part of the island of North 3 hours from Auckland, New Zealand tourism began over 100 years ago. Then the town hallowed with its beautiful pink and white terrace that emerged from volcanic activity on the shore of Lake Rotomach. Although in 1886, this unbelievable creation of nature was destroyed during the eruption of the Tarauer volcano, the city remained attractive to many tourists. The merchandise architecture in the Tudor style, fenile hotels, luxury restaurants and bars, stacks and expensive shops, parks and gardens form an important part of the city, supplementing exclusive landscapes, rich entertainment and countless Rotorua spas.

Today, the resort can offer guests many virtues and entertainment for any taste,

I'm sure they'll be able to give you a great impression of your presence in this hospitality city. A sense of extraordinary freedom will give guests the most beautiful lakes, the powerful streams, the smoked waterfalls and the great panorama of surroundings. A bright pallet paint and a bubble mud pool meets guests with the magical Wai-O-Tapu thermal country, where Lady Knox plays the heiser every day. In another unusual Hell’s Gate thermal park or the Ada Gate, the only hot waterfall in the Southern Hemisphere is located and a huge spunker specializing in Maori massage and dirty baths. Natural geothermal complexes throughout the city offer a variety of treatment and rehabilitation programmes based on hot springs and mineral waters. Unknown forest slopes, rich fish rivers and lakes, captive valleys make the region attractive to amateurs of mountains, hunting and fishing. Finally, the minds of torture will be happy to learn a lot about the traditional Maori culture and to compare the glorious descriptions of this land on the pages of Jules Verne's books.

The main focus of Tamaki Maori Village, a preservative Maori settlement that preserved the patriarchal lifestyle of Maori, was unsuccessful from the Rotorua centre on the banks of the Purarenga River in the Whakarewarewarewarewa Thermal Reserve. New Zealand ' s rich traditions and the cultural heritage of many generations are among the boiling dirt lakes that outweigh the flow of gay waters, hot keys and low waterfalls. The Māori Applied Art Institute and the Rotoruan Museum of Arts and History opened their doors. You will also be able to visit the excavation of Te Wairoa, buried under the ashes of the 1886 eruption, to visit the Blue Baths museum and spa center and listen to the traditional music concert on the Holy Moca Island.

Moderate climate. The temperature in summer months fluctuates from +20° C up to +27° C, in winter +10° From +12° C. The amount of precipitation is distributed equally throughout the year.

Average annual air temperature (°C):

The city's night life is amazing and diverse. Besides classic cafees, restaurants, modern nightclubs and bars, guests have the opportunity

To visit traditional Maori evenings, and to make night-time fighting on the sacred island of Mokoya.


Te Puia (Whakarewarewa) - It's also an amazing geothermal park and, at the same time, a village whose inhabitants use energy and heat for everyday needs, heat houses, washing hot water, cooking food. There is Pohutu, the largest active gayer of the southern hemisphere, and a special drip can be seen by a non-lethal kiwi bird, the symbol of the country. Twice a day (in the morning and in the evening) Maori speak for tourists with folklore dances and singing.

Maori Arts " Craft Institute. Maori - Beautiful artists and wood slices, musicians and dancers. The Māori Arts Institute represents the cultural heritage of New Zealand ' s indigenous people, the legends of island settlement, tribal history, their home and culture. Here, you'll see young Māori who are scrutinizing the arts and crafts of your great-grandfathers.

Paradise Valley Springs. This is called a small park where species of birds and fish are represented in New Zealand. Here, under natural conditions, a rainbow and brown trout grows. A walk on the outskirts will allow you to look closer to the wooden patriots circumcised by lianas, to hear the singing of strange birds.

Agrodome For a long time, New Zealand has been a predominantly agrarian country and has made great strides in sheeping. And along with the improvement of the breeds of meridians giving the world ' s best wool, the art of sheep management was improved.
It's a world-class supershow, and you can only believe if you see it. Dogs, shepherds, work fast and accurately, performing complex teams, and sometimes they don't have a team, taking instant decisions on their own... There's three such shows here the day.
There's, of course, a souvenir shop with the most natural wool and sheep mats and carpets. Extreme attacks include also extremes, high-speed rolling, bangie jumping, sorbing off a mountain in a plastic ball, jeep or motorcycle.

Polynesian Spa. It's a thermal bath complex located right on the shore.

Lake. There are not only general pools, but also natural lakes in rocks with hot mineralized water from thermal sources, there are personal baths, radial baths, family baths, various types of massage.

Gondola. It's called an entertainment center and a restaurant on the mountain above Rotorua. You can get there on the canat road in the glazed booths, so you can see the broad panorama of the city, the lake, the painting outskirts. And for the downing, there's a wide choice--- Tobby-Lug--- a kilometre phase down on three-wheeled cars, or Sidewinder is a narrow steel track, some kind of beanhead with a length of 500 metres. But if you don't like the extrem, you can just go back down the same canal road.

White Island. It's a volcano island. It's an active volcano. He smokes all the time, although the eruptions don't happen often. The only way to visit him is to overfly him on a helicopter or a small plane.

Lake Taupo. This lake was formed after the volcanic eruption in the second century of our era. It's the largest and most beautiful lake in the country, surrounded by white volcanic beaches, cave hidden in rocks. In the clear weather under the lake, the beers of Mount Tongariro and the snow cap of the Ruapehu summit are visible. Round year, tourists travel to Taupo town and everyone finds a shower, fishermen, sail and motor water sports, tourist trails and thirsty mineral health baths. There's a lot of hotels, restaurants and cafes. Little and relatively exotic entertainment is end-of-life walks, gangs, jumping, fast tracks, mountain valosports, paraplanes and a lot of other things.

Wai-O-Tapu Thermal Wonderland♪ It's called the national park where the gay valley is located. In the tourist trails, there are alien landscapes in front of you - the colors of the land and water are so different from what we're used to, even the smells of the non-terrestrial. ♪ ♪
And at 10.15, heiser Ladi Knox throws his pole of water and a parameter at a height of 21 metres. And so every day at the same time. You've got to figure out the secret of this gayer.
And among the other vulcan valley savages - Lake Champagnewith occupied sediments of the colour of the shell, which is shore.

Lake Land Queen. Rothorois Lake cruise on the old boat. The departure from the town hall. You can combine the pre-emptive landscapes of the coast with breakfast or lunch on board.

The Buried Village of Wairoa. In 1886, the volcano was erupted by the Maori settlement, something like New Zealand Pompei, which has always attracted tourists. There's a Māori Museum here, and we can play rituals and traditional games of indigenous New Zealanders. There are streams where huge trouts float, but you can't catch them here. ♪ ♪

Waitomo Caves. It's carste caves, water is being used in limestone breeds by fancy and long lines. Stalactics on cave sets, stalagmites on their floor, stone sculptures of centuries - nature is rich in fantasy. And the lights on the dark walls and clips, stunning, bright. The boat goes down the underground river, and the cave walls are cricked like a sky. Bernard Shaw, a famous English writer, wasn't a great optimist, yet he called the Caves of Whitemom the eighth miracle of light.

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