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Dead Sea

Holidays in Dead Sea

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30 years of experience in the luxury segment
We organize trips of any complexity
Individual approach and exceptional service
Direct contracts with the best hotels in the world
Concierge service and 24/7 support
Offices in Kyiv, Vienna, Dubai

The dead sea has a unique combination of natural factors. Already in the antique times, it was known that everything, from the air to the rich minerals and salts of the dead Sea water, fueled by sources, was a state of health and beauty. The high concentration of salts, that is, 33 per cent, compared to 3.5 per cent in the Mediterranean Sea, turns the water of the Dead Sea into heavy, viscous, oily and, together, transparent. These water qualities are easy to contain on the surface. The Dead Sea water contains more than 20 species of salt and minerals.


Coal diseases

The dead sea is known as perhaps the world ' s best place to treat skin diseases. Treatment on the Dead Sea provides up to 90 per cent of recovery cases and significantly reduces the likelihood of recidivism.

The treatment consists of a gradual increase in solar dose combined with bathing in the Dead Sea. Solar beams have a positive impact on the skin, improve its condition by strengthening the general immune system. Since ultraviolet radiation is weakened in the area of the Dead Sea, patients can stay in the sun for a long time without being exposed to any danger. Coupling in water, saturated potassium, magic and bromine exacerbates therapeutic effects of solar baths. High levels of bromine in the Dead Sea and ambient air, peace, lack of stress, beauty of the surrounding landscape also contribute to the recovery process. Climatotherapy is also effective in treating skin diseases such as atoic dermatitis and equates.


The treatment of arthritis in the Dead Sea is carried out by various methods, which include thermal and mineral procedures that encourage hemorrhaging. These are filthy compressions and irrigation, thermal baths and swimming in the Dead Sea itself.

Heart and receptacles

The presence of the Dead Sea also helps patients with cardiovascular diseases, in particular those who have an open heart operation. The three weeks before the operation in a relatively warm winter period have largely stabilized the heart after operation.

Treatment of respiratory diseases


Thanks to high atmospheric pressure, oxygen saturation is 8% higher than anywhere on Earth. This helps to treat respiratory diseases, including asthma. Local whole air turns the Mert Sea into the perfect lung resort. Many patients in need of artificial breathing or additional oxygen treatment on the shore of the Dead Sea are able to breathe on their own both day and night. Oxygen levels in their blood are increasing markedly.

High atmospheric pressure also reduces blood pressure, both upper and lower, for hypertension patients.

Dead Sea Space

In the laboratories of the Dead Sea, unique preparations are being made to ensure that the person and body are of beauty and health. Israeli cosmetics such as Ahava, dr. Nature, Edom-Health " Beauty, Lisan, Sea Beauty " are well known throughout the world. Their specialists have learned to produce precious balsams such as those that have been known in deep ancient history.

The Dead Sea Medals are composed of nutrients and moisture creams, various face masks, hand creams, skin thinners, cleaning and hemorrhaging preparations, hales and bath and shower salts, shampoos, sunscreen.

Dear Sea Clinic

In the heart of the international resort, Ain Boquek has been receiving patients from all over the world for over 10 years from the Dead Sea Clinic health complex, under the leadership of Professor Michael Rivkin of Medical Sciences.

In the resort hospital Dead Sea Clinic on the Dead Sea Integrated individual health-care programmes for various pathologies have been developed and successfully implemented. In general, such programmes are designed to take into account the individual condition of the patient and the specificity of the patient ' s current condition during the in-house consultation on the results of the examinations and conclusions of the attending physicians. These programmes have been designed to stay in the resort for a period of time, as they include much more procedures than basic climatic courses. The following are illustrative programmes

different pathologies. The prices of these programmes are derived from the list and the number of recommended procedures.
We draw your attention to the fact that the Dead Sea Clinic clinic is not a treatment facility where the patient is in the entire treatment period. The clinic ' s patients live in their chosen hotels of the Dead Sea, and they are taken back to the hospital to take them back to the hotel by car (service is a cost of treatment).

Period recommended for treatment at the resort of the Dead Sea under different pathologies.

Diseases (pathologies) not presented in the table have round-trip testimony for stay on the Dead Sea. Children up to 6 years of age are not allowed to swim in the water of the Dead Sea!

Psoriasis, parapsoriasis

mid-March to mid-November

Neurodermite, equateur,

Yearly except July-August

Fragmentation - engine


Respiratory diseases

from mid-October to early April



Chronic fatigue syndrome (stress, sleep disorder)

September-May (included)

Endocrine pathology (sorry)


Cosmetology and correction of the figure, revamping


/ / / Dead Sea