Holidays in Pokhar
Pokhara - a city in central Nepal, 200 kilometres west of Kathmandu. This is the second popular city in the country. He lured tourists with painting landscapes and the proximity of Nepal ' s main peaks, Dahulagiri, Annapourna, Manazl and others. The city is located on the shores of beautiful Lake Fev. This is where several of the main Nepali tracks begin, including the three-week round of Annapurna.
Pokhara's climatic is a little warmer than Kathmandu. During the day, the temperature ranges from 15 degrees in winter to 35 degrees in summer. The rainy season, which lasts from mid-June to mid-September, is better off. It's most comforting to enjoy local beauty from October to April.
Today, Pokhara has a developed tourism infrastructure. Of the city ' s famous sights, it is also worth mentioning the Davie waterfalls, where the legend has drowned a loving couple, the Temple of Bishva Shanti and the recently built stage, where four Buddhas are from Japan, China, Viet Nam and Nepal.